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Sending and receiving forms using OneContact
Sending and receiving forms using OneContact
Updated over a week ago

OneContact supports both inbound and outbound communication. To send patients forms through OneContact, follow the following instructions.

1. Login to OneContact, navigate to the ‘Form Library’. You can view the different forms by category. To view the contents of the form, select the form title.

2. To send an SMS to a patient using an external SMS provider (such as AccuRx, iPlato or MJOG), copy and paste the suggested text link into your SMS provider system as shown in the 'Send With External Provider' column. The text link includes a unique URL for your practice, to enable the results to be sent back to your GP practice account.

Alternatively, to send an SMS through OneContact via the Gov.UK notify service. If you are set up with Gov.UK, simplify add the mobile number and click


3. Patients are sent an SMS to their mobile phones, with a web link to the form.

4. To view responses, select ‘Inbox’ from the navigation in OneContact. The table shows a list of results. Data from the list incudes patient name and form completed and response time. Users can assign people or teams to the forms. To view a response, select the form from the list.

5. You can assign responses to users or teams, as well as assign a status to a response, by selecting the 'Actions' button which is on the right hand side of the screen. You can assign users/teams/statuses to single responses, or multiple, by selecting responses from the checkbox (the checkbox is to the left of the form title on the inbox, as shown below).

6. The results from the form are presented on the page. To file the data into the clinical record, select ‘file to record’ from the screen. The data will then be filed into the patient record in EMIS Web, and can be used to support the contents of the referral form.

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